Original photograph by Amy Sancetta (AP Photo)
edited by Claudia Westerveld

A token of respect to the men and women who, in an effort to safe the lives of the victims, ended up giving their own. Their selfless attempt to help their fellow citizens didn't go unnoticed, the entire world watched and witnessed the selfless motives of the American people to stand up, unite and help, through prayers, thoughts, acts and many other countless ways.

God bless all of you...

Original photograph by Matt Mayer (AP Photo)
edited by Claudia Westerveld

This photograph had me mesmorized from the first instant I saw it. Imagine, for me it says it all. Imagine the pain, imagine the hurt, imagine, sympathise, love, pray and remember...
This should never be repeated, too many innocent lives were taken, taken in the name of hate, of ignorance.

Original photograph by Tom Hanson (AP Photo)
edited by Claudia Westerveld

An universal sign, expressing such a heartfelt wish... peace...
A wish every American, every human cherishes. Why do we seem to think that we stand above the life of others, why are there people that seem to think some lives are more valuable than others..

Let's remember, we are only human.. we all are..