Keepers of myths & The
ancient teachers
Keepers of myths
Mountaintops covered
with a soft blanket of clouds
the moons silver light spreads over quiet landscapes
a lonely white owl sits on the top of a rock mound
observing the stone statues in front of the caves
the statues of the
defenders, the night-time creatures
for whom the splendorous sunlight remains unseen
the keepers of myths, of the ancient mystic teachers
who lay hidden in the caves where no mortal has been
within the depths of
the caves where no light penetrates
the ancient mystic teachers sleep their eternal sleep
they rest guarded by the statues at this mythical gate
with truth and purity in heart and soul they exist to keep
as the moonbeams
caress the lifeless stone with silver
the divine touch transforms black stone into flesh
wings unfold as eyes come to life, the statues shiver
ending, for yet another night, their compulsory rest
they slowly spread
their wings, into the sky they ascend
the gargoyles reconnoiter the nightly scenery
without thought they would surrender their lives to defend
to protect the treasures, the teachers of ancient history..
The ancient teachers
Surrounded by the silent darkness of the
sheltering caves
the ancient teachers sleep their deep, eternal sleep
their by centuries marked, engraved with wisdom, loving faces
illuminated, for from their presence a mystical light seeps
their white hair
imperceptibly blends with their white attire
ancient whispers from closed tips echo through this lair
whispers that speak of myths within our dreams inspire
our souls to travel through rocks and earth into the atmosphere
through these whispers
the teachers materialize within our dreams
their eyes filled with knowledge rest upon our weary souls
holding our spirit hand as they guide us through streams
within wells of crystal clear water history's lessons unfold
upon the nightly
shores eternal wisdom often travels
touching souls wells, feeding it with mythical breath
within our inner core ancient history slowly unravels
through our dreams and visions their knowledge is spread
Clautje West 2001