Comments<img src="http://littlemuslimah.homestead.com/files/lpcwme.jpg">
CommentsHallo Claudia, you have such a wonderful site. i would be very pleased about your visit, and perhaps you can leave something from you in my guestbook or guestmap. i wish you a very nice time and sure i come back. Hans
CommentsWhat a pleasure it was to read some of the poems you have written. Will definitely be back to read more of your work. Great work, keep it up!
CommentsClaudje, Your site, your poetry, and you - especially that lovely pic you use on guestmaps =P are all beautiful. HeartBeats http://v0iceme.tripod.com
CommentsGreetings from Sweden..Lovely site!
CommentsHi Claudia... I'am from germany...and i can a little bit of engl. I'will give my best..*ggg* The pics..(graphics).find i very good, so I'must write a hello in your GB. ..so you have time..come and visit my homepage.. ..a lot of nice visiters and a good day I'wish you.. ..see you SirHoney(nickname)
CommentsWhat a fabulous site. I saw you featured today as the guestmap of the day, but couldn't find it on your site. I just wanted to say hello from Vancouver B.C Canada.
Commentsnice and sweet site!!!!! keep going ... Krish
CommentsHello Claudia, You have a great website. I enjoyed reading your poetry. Your graphics are very nice as well. Hope you have a great New Year! Please visit us and leave your location and picture on our guestmap. Also you can add your site to our free links page. God bless you! Take care...
CommentsHi Claudia, thats realy a great site I found here and I am sure I'll be back soon. :-)) So I let you just some Greetings here and hope I find again that beautiful site. Hav a nice time... JR :-))
Commentsmanager@softcha.com . Very interesting your homepage. From Paraguay.
Commentsmisschien ben ik de eerste Nederlandstalige bezoeker van je site. Ik vond het een schitterende site. Veel succes en op z'n Hollands gezegd ga zo door. groetjes en kusjes, Iemand die van je houdt
CommentsYou have a nice site here!
Commentsthe star of happiness a warm shining gently falls down from heaven happiness and salvation overflows you the star of a happy night covers you in gracious light feelings smoth and tender like they would smile silent moment's hugs you in love a wonderful harmony you feel the sound of silence you hear touched by your heart the faint tears will permitted to be you meet your deepest feelings the message of love the strongest power the star of a happy night ...but sometimes a star will vanish in the very dark of eternity
CommentsJust wanted to drop in, and say thank you for having such a wonderful site, I really enjoyed my time here, just like I have in the past. I’d like to invite you to my site….Pride in the USA is what you will see. I offer individual webrings for all 50 USA States, a United in Spirit Webring, which you are invited to join, located on the bottom of my pages. A Top USA Site List, located on the top of all my pages. Free graphics galore..hope to see you soon. I'm also looking for Vote Supporters for my site, if anybody would be interested in VE'ing. Below, is a little gift for you, a sample of what you will see.. http://www.unitedinspirit.net/butterflyframeiwj.gif
CommentsInside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but she can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake... ;-))) Sometimes I'll have a look at you..... Take care! JR :-))
CommentsHi Claudia, your site is realy wonderful, congratulation. I will come back often to read more. I wish you a nice day from Istanbul Aysen
CommentsI found some, piked it up piece by piece... But somethings on and bring it back who it belongs. ^_^ Day by Day for a New Again an unknown path lays ahead within darkness I try to find the way dragging along the burdens of my past now living my life.. day.. by.. day… by clautje west Just look out for a bright shining light it help's you safe to find out from the dark let behind all thoughts chained to the past you're strong and you will find your bright. by unknown finder
CommentsHello Claudia, thank you very much for your visit and friendly entry at the Literatur Karawanserei. I am glad you liked what you found there. *s* Now I have been here visiting your webpage. I enjoyed my visit and congratulate you for your webpage and poems. Greetings from Germany Liisa
CommentsGreetings, Claudia ~ You have a wonderful site! I enjoyed my visit and will return to read more of the poetry here. You should be extremely proud of this site. Cheers! Harry
CommentsYour poetry is truly exquisite and I am a fan for sure! Good luck to you Claujte and keep on delivering your special gift to the masses.A heartfelt poem from someones soul and from the tip of their pen can reach out and embrace many.Thank you! Jeffrey Michael Miller
CommentsHi, I was just doing some random site surfing, When I came across your site I thought it was too good to pass by without leaving a note for you. So - I just wanna say : "Shalom!" You've got a lovely site here... Wishing you a day filled with goodness and kindness. Greeting from Israel ~ Anat
Comments"Forgive them Lord for they know not what they do...
CommentsTo follow DaCaptn's thought..... "Who knows what he is doing at last?" So forgive them all, all day! Dont wait for, the lord will to. It's waisting time.. ;-)
CommentsI just surfed via a guest book and came to your site. I like it a lot. You have a super great site. I hope that you will come and visit me. I'd love to hear from you! Love & God Bless. The very best to you and yours!
CommentsHi, Claudia...just stopping by to say hi...and thanks...! Take care... soulsease
CommentsNice looking web site
CommentsI visited your nice Web Site, and I wish you God's peace through Jesus Christ.
CommentsI visited your nice Web Site, and I wish you God's peace through Jesus Christ.
CommentsHappy Easter and at last, may all your wishes come true. All the best for you! *s*
Commentshi,from the UK. just surfing guestmaps,great things...travelling all around the world finding people you never would have met before! come visit me leave your links wherever you can so others can find you too!
CommentsI already saw you many times in several GuestMaps. Thus, I came to see your Site, it is very good. It explains to me why it is that always have the tongue outside. :-)))
CommentsI already saw you many times in several GuestMaps. Thus, I came to see your Site, it is very good. It explains to me why it is that always have the tongue outside. :-)))
CommentsI already saw you many times in several GuestMaps. Thus, I came to see your Site, it is very good. It explains to me why it is that always have the tongue outside. :-)))
CommentsI already saw you many times in several GuestMaps. Thus, I came to see your Site, it is very good. It explains to me why it is that always have the tongue outside.
CommentsI already saw you many times in several GuestMaps. Thus, I came to see your Site, it is very good. It explains to me why it is that always have the tongue outside. ;-))
CommentsBeautiful picture, were you sick? Good health. :-)
CommentsHello what a great site! I would like to invite you to check out my favorite group. for great women on line. www.seangels.com . be back soon ((hugs))<center><a href="http://www.seangel.org"> <img src="http://photos.bravenet.com/287/658/214/BFD2B13519.gif" </a></center>
Commentshoi dit is een test
Commentshoi je had me beloofd om nooit meer zoals vroeger te handelen. maar hebt het weer geflikt. wat je gedaan hebt was te verwachten maar waarom verbreek je al de kontakt. wat heb ik gedaan om dit te verdienen. ik ben psychisch ingestort alleen door niets van jullie te mogen horen. als ik je moeder bel wordt de hoorn neergelegd. waarom wordt ik behandeld als of ik je iets hebt aangedaan. schat ik weet door de tel. rekening dat je de contact met die amerikaan had verbreed dus ik weet dat je nu of in USA zit of bezig bent te gaan. dat is mijn probleem niet. mijn probleem is dat ik in een klap zo buitengesloten word en niets meer mag horen of mag weten. dat benaud mij. ik heb weer hartkloppingen en heb geen nachtrust. dit keer heb ik ook geen hoop jullie ooit nog terug te kunnen vinden.dus, kun je je een vooruitzichtloze leven bedenken. zo zit het dus hier. wat je ook doet het is jou leven maar laat wat van je horen. verminder mijn gemis alsjeblieft. ook ik mis jullie. het zijn ook mijn kinderen. ik heb het heel benoud op deze manier. de kinderen zullen dat ook wel hebben. terwijl als er kontakt is dat het gemis dan wat minder wordt. denk niet dat ik achter je aan kom. als jij mij de tweede keer in de steek laat heb ik het nu wel begrepen hoor. het is mij nu wel duidelijk dat een relatie tussen ons niet is neergelegd. maar zo in een keer buitengesloten worden is niet leuk, vooral niet als het gaat om je kinderen en je vrouw waarmee je toch een lange tijd samen hebt doorgebracht. ik had je vertroud toen je zei dat je t nooit meer zo stiekem zou handelen. ik snap ook niet waarom je t op deze manier doet. als je me niet wilt of durft te spreken had dan een brief achtergelaten of stuur en email. jij laat niets van je horen en je moeder gooit de hoorn neer. wat moet ik? ik ben ook een mens maar wil iet in een psychische kliniek belanden. laat alsjeblieft wat van je horen. denk aan iets wat ik misschien ooit voor jou heb gedaan en denk dat ik deze manier van handelen niet heb verdient. ik verwacht niet veel van jou. alleen een enmail contact. alsjeblieft. weet je nog hoe je je voelde toen je geen contact had met brad. hoeveel pijn had je? jij was maar een persoon kwijt. ik ben drie liefdes in een klap kwijt. hoeveel pijn moet dat geven clau? ik laat mij erbij neer dat jullie weg zijn maar dat ik niets van jullie mag horen valt erg zwaar. alsjeblieft geef gehoor aan deze oproep. mijn emails: yusufsungur@hotmail.com of ysungur@chello.nl
CommentsTHANK FOR YOUR VISITE IN MY BOOK HOME http://www.softcha.com
CommentsWell, my wife is sleeping and I promised to stay up and finish cleaning the kitchen... then I went and made the mistake of taking a break, which means that not much is getting done in the other room. This means one of two things: 1. I'll get to it before I go to sleep or 2. I'll do it before she wakes up in the morning. While I'm making my decision I've decided to do some surfin' that's how I landed here. This is a repeat visit, but that's okay. I really didn't get a chance to check everything out the last time I stopped by. Anyway, I'm here and thought I'd tell you that I think your still doing a good job. Now to look around a bit more before making the big decision. Thanks. JPA
CommentsA poet after mine own heart, traditional rhyme and beauty unsurpassed, Clautje. I wanted to read you before responding to your post on Salty to Elusive Words, and I thoroughly enjoyed what I found. Thank you for being a poet and having me here. Ron (i02no) Come visit Under The Poem Tree
CommentsHi there! Greetings from India. We enjoyed your webhome. It is very clear and journey thro' your pages was real informative. Keep it up and may God bless you.
CommentsHi Clautje Greetings from Hausen again. Have you always on my Guestpage. Best wishes !! Hope to hear from you. Hans
CommentsShalom, lovely site... Greetings from Israel :) Ilana http://www.israeltruth.2itb.com
CommentsHi, Claudia...long time no see...just checking to see that you are well! :) Take care... . |